Twinning Agreement: Sicilian Relief Corps -Gozo Volunteers
The Corpo Italiano Soccorso Ordine di Malta (CISOM) and the Order of Malta Volunteers in Gozo (OMVG) recently signed a twinning agreement. The deal is meant to strengthen the relationship between the volunteers in Gozo and the well-equipped Italian relief corps of the Order of Malta in Sicily.
As part of the agreement a project was held at Lourdes retreat home in Għajnsielem which included the training of OMVG volunteers and members of the public.
Twenty participants followed three courses over two days.
Courses included first aid, the basic life support defibrillation and emergency childbirth preparation course.
The CISOM instructors were led by the Gruppo di Ragusa chief, Graziano Cascone, who also represents the CISOM Nazionale. He was assisted by Paolo Murabito, Danilo Tolomeo, Provvidenza Catonovo, Gaetano D’Arrigo and Giuseppe Frasca.
OMVG director Chris Galea expressed his satisfaction with the outcome of the project and vowed to continue to collaborate with CISOM in first aid training and other relief aid projects.
The CISOM also had cultural visits and pilgrimages to St John’s Rotunda in Xewkija, the spiritual seat of the Order of Malta in Gozo and the Cittadella built by the Knights of Malta.
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