Advent Retreat
The Advent retreat for members, prospective members, spouses and volunteers was held at St Joseph Convent, Tal-Virtu’ in Rabat on Saturday 26th November 2016.
The preacher was the Rev. Dr Mark Sultana B.A., S.Th.L., Ph.D.(Greg.) and the main theme of the retreat was ‘If you only knew the Gift of God’ (John 4, 10). Fr Mark’s first meditation was about Gift and Mystery and the second reflection one was on A Missionary Call. Both talks were followed by questions and answers.
Confessions were heard late in the morning and the day’s retreat finished with the Rosary and Holy Mass.
The retreats were organised by the Association’s Principal Chaplain the Very Rev. Mgr Lawrence Gatt, with the kind help of confrère Chris Galea.